Humana Announces Medicare Advantage Value-Based Care Results for 2020
Efforts have improved hospitalization rates and preventive care

Nov 19, 2021 – To help deepen understanding of value-based care, Humana partnered with the University of Houston to create a Value-based Care Specialization program. Every year, Humana releases a report that details three key areas of data—prevention, outcomes and utilization, and costs and payments—for Humana individual Medicare Advantage (MA) members seeking care from primary care physicians in value-based agreements.
Recently, Humana released their Value-based Care Report for the calendar year 2020 data. The report showed that Humana’s Medicare Advantage value-based care initiatives helped to improve hospitalization rates and preventative care during CY 2020. These results were especially significant considering the pandemic that the world was in the midst of.
“During a year of unprecedented disruptions, we are grateful for the dedication, care and ingenuity showed by physicians to continue providing high-quality care for our Medicare Advantage members,” said Humana President and Chief Executive Officer Bruce Broussard in a press release. “As the population of Medicare Advantage beneficiaries continues to grow, we will continue to collaborate with providers and others on the best ways to address seniors’ critical needs and ensure a strong future for the Medicare guarantee made to our seniors.”
Value-Based Care Report Key Findings
The report had many key findings that support the implementation of value-based care and payment models. These include:
- Humana VBC MA members saw incidents of costly hospital admissions reduced by 7% and emergency room visits by 12%
- On average, hospital admission rates were 22% less than Original Medicare in 2020
- Rates of telemedicine use for primary care services rose more quickly amongst Humana value-based MA members
- The Value-based care agreements helped to reduce total medical costs by 13.4%
- Physicians in VBC contract earned 17.5 cents of every dollar spent compared to 6.7 cents for non-value-based care physicians
The results noted in the study show that value-based care MA members experienced lower hospitalization rates and reduced costs. These are promising findings that support the importance of value-based care and VBP models. Due to these findings, Humana has big plans for value-based care.
“Looking ahead, we should expect to see value-based care remain an engine for driving the change and transformation needed to better outcomes and better value for patients and their communities,” said Humana’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer Brian Powers, M.D., MBA.
To read the full Value-Based Care Report for CY 2020 from Humana, click here.
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