Oklahoma SoonerSelect Open Enrollment Launches
SoonerSelect Ushers in a New Era for Medicaid Recipients in Oklahoma, Shifting to Managed Care

February 7, 2024 – This February, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority began steering many of its Medicaid recipients towards a new type of health care management. The traditional SoonerCare system, known for its fee-for-service approach, is giving way to SoonerSelect. This new model promises a more structured and potentially more effective way of delivering health services through managed care.
The shift, which began its first phase of enrollment February 1, 2024, is set to redefine health care for approximately 80% of Medicaid beneficiaries in the state. Those eligible for SoonerSelect includes children, low-income parents, pregnant women and non-disabled adults aged 19-64. American Indian members who use SoonerCare are also eligible, but they can stay with their current plan if preferred.
“The transition to SoonerSelect marks a significant shift in the way many Oklahomans think about their health care,” said Ellen Buettner, Oklahoma Health Care Authority CEO.
The clock is ticking towards a March 10 enrollment deadline. Anyone eligible for the transition who does not select a plan by then will be assigned a health plan by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority. Yet, the flexibility within this system shines through, offering a 90-day window post-enrollment for any plan changes. This helps to ensure that the members’ needs are at the forefront of this transition.
The pivot to managed care under SoonerSelect isn’t just a shift in health care delivery. It has also involved a collaborative effort with the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) to ensure that the program aligns with federal standards. This model utilizes established health insurers, diverging from the traditional fee-for-service system, and emphasizes staying within network care.
The partnerships to deliver care under SoonerSelect have already been established through an RFP process. Contracts were awarded to Aetna Better Health of Oklahoma, Humana Healthy Horizons and Oklahoma Complete Health for medical care. Dental care will be provided through DentaQuest or LIBERTY Dental.
“Members will receive extra benefits that promote wellness both inside and outside of the doctor’s office, empowering individuals to lead healthy and productive lives,” Buettner said. “The goal of those services is really to address those social determinants of health for our members.”
For those navigating these new waters, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority has set up a counseling hotline, offering guidance to help families make informed decisions about their health care plans. To get help, individuals can call 800-987-7767 or visit MySoonerCare.org.
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