CalAIM and SDOH: The Crossroad for Complex Care Needs
CalAIM focuses on whole-person care and integrating social services through Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports
CalAIM focuses on whole-person care and integrating social services through Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports
CMS approved a five-year extension of its Medicaid managed care section 1915(b) waiver, which was renamed California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM). The program focuses more on whole-person care and integrating social services.
On Jan. 19, 2022, the North Carolina Court of Appeals granted a request from two insurance providers to voluntarily dismiss appeals of their suit over contracts awarded for NC Medicaid Managed Care by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
An integrated approach to managed care in Delaware is creating true value-based care systems for the state’s LTSS communities
The ADA was the world’s first comprehensive declaration of equality for people with disabilities. However, in the wake of COVID-19, the evidence shows there is still work to be done.
We take a look at Arkansas’ provider-led network as a groundbreaking new model for Medicaid consumers. Their whole-person approach is a true example of what value-based care can offer consumers and providers.
As of July 1st, North Caroline shifted to a Medicaid Managed Care Program. Almost 1.6 million beneficiaries are now receiving the same care in a new way through Medicaid Managed Care health plans.
New care delivery models that focus on tech could assist with the adoption of value-based care
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) opened enrollment for NC Medicaid Managed Care.
Nationwide, the children under 21 enrolled in Medicaid crew to 40.5 million in 2017 from just 23.5 million in 2000.